Posted On: 2016-07-18 07:18:39
2 large kumara
1 red onion
Salt & pepper
Olive oil
1 Tablespoon cumin seeds
1 Tablespoon grated parmesan

Handful of coriander (stalks included), finely chopped
2 eggs, lightly beaten
50 grams butter, for frying


Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Wash the kumara & chop into small chunks.

Slice the red onion into thin wedges, toss with the kumara & a bit of olive oil in a roasting dish, scatter over a bit of salt & pepper.

Bake for 20 minutes or so, until the kumara is soft & the onion has caramelised down nicely.

Remove & allow to cool.
Transfer the kumara & onion to a mixing bowl & mash everything up a bit.

Add the cumin, parmesan & chopped coriander, & mix well, then fold in the beaten egg & season well.
Get a pan going over a moderate heat.

Add a little more olive oil & a bit of butter, fry dollops of the mixture gently for several minutes on both sides until golden brown.
Pop the cooked fritters on top of a paper towel to drain off excess oil while you do the rest.

Serve immediately, while they are still warm.

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