Price: $2.30 $2.00
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Product Code: FAvocadoHASS
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"Avocados are so nutritious & nourishing for the body & soul. Enhance your life by including avocado in your diet every day."

- Nadia Lim, New Zealand Avocado Ambassador 

Nutrient-filled anti-aging powerhouses...

Oval shape. Thick, pebbly skin that darkens when ripe.

Delicious creamy addition to your meals, luscious taste & texture is a must-have as a dietary inclusion.

Avocado's are amongst the most versatile fruits you can sink your teeth into. Try them in a fresh salad or on toast...

They're also a rich source of vitamins, potassium & folic acid.

Nutrient dense fruit with potential health benefits for all age groups, from expectant mothers & babies to everyone interested in watching their weight & maintaining a healthy heart, avocados are an energy packed super food


Avocados are a superfood providing vital nutrients needed for a healthy body - in fact the Guinness Book of records lists the Avocado as the most nutritionally complete fruit in the world!

Replace butter with avocado for lower saturated fat intake.

Avocado is a Heart Foundation approved fruit to be enjoyed in moderation

Avocados are a good way to get more lutein (a natural antioxidant) in the diet. An ounce of avocado contains 81 micrograms of lutein.

Lutein has been shown to be concentrated in the Macula of the eye, & research suggests that it may help maintain healthy eyesight as we age.

Avocados are also rich in omega-3, which is also good for the mood & brain health.

Add an avocado today, YOUR BODY WILL LOVE YOU FOR IT!

We never sell windfall avocados, ever.

Avocados grow on evergreen trees up to 12 metres high. 

A single tree can produce up to 400 fruit each year. 

Avocados were dubbed 'Ahuacuatl', which means 'testicle tree', for their shape & the fact they grow in pairs.

The Aztecs believed the fruit had aphrodisiac properties

Each avocado contains a surprising 4 grams of protein;

that's more than any other fruit.

Avocados contain the highest concentrations of monounsaturated fats among all fruits, compounds that are essential to healthy brain development.

Facts you might not have known about Avocados:

The Guinness Book of World Records lists the avocado as the most nutritionally complete fruit in the world.

Avocados can help with weight loss because they contain oleic acid; that activates the brain to make you feel full.

Eating half an avocado at lunchtime can help you feel fuller & reduce your chances of snacking by up to 40 per cent.

Avocados contain one of the highest fibre contents of any fruit.

Avocados are an ideal first food for babies as they contain a range of important nutrients for development.

Avocados are heart-healthy & can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

On a 100g basis, avocados contain 53% more potassium(520mg) than bananas(340mg).

Eating avocados with other fruit & vegetables promotes additional absorption of nutrients from those other fruit as well. 


Avocados can break down belly fat
Healthy fats, found in avocados, can have a positive effects on breaking down belly fat, which can be one of the most difficult areas of the body to tone up.
Researchers found that eating one source of monounsaturated fatty acids with each meal of your day assists with burning fat from your tummy. 

These healthy fats also help us to stay fuller for longer, & in theory this should cut down on the consumption of quick-fix snacks.
So pile that avocado onto your toast!

Nadia Lim Nutritionist & good food cook video

How to Pit an Avocado

Avocado Recipes

Click here for more information on NZ Avocado

Nutrition Information


Serving size: 1/2 avocado = 83.5 g        
  Average Quantity % Daily Intake per serve Average Quantity  
  per serving   per 100 g  
Energy (kJ/Cal) 891/213 10% 1067/255  
Protein (g) 1.7 3% 2.0  
Fat, total (g) 22.2 32% 26.6  
- saturated (g) 3.1 13% 3.7  
- polyunsaturated (g) 2.3 3% 2.8  
- monounsaturated (g) 15.3 22% 18.3  
Available carbohydrate (g) 0.5 0% 0.6  
- sugars (g) 0.5 1% 0.5  
Dietary Fibre (g) 4.0 13% 4.8 A good source of Dietary Fibre
Sodium (mg) 14 1% 17  
Folate (µg) 68 34% RDI* 81 A good source of Folate
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.77 48% RDI* 0.92 A good source of Vitamin B6
Niacin (mg) 1.3 13% RDI* 1.6 A source of Niacin
Vitamin C (mg) 6 15% RDI* 7 A source of Vitamin C
Vitamin E (mg) 1.6 16% RDI* 1.9 A source of Vitamin E
Potassium (mg) 468   560 Contains Potassium
Iron (mg) 0.6 5% RDI* 0.8  
Zinc (mg) 0.6 5% RDI* 0.7  
Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700 kJ        
Your daily Intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs        
*Recommended Dietary Intake (Average Adult)        

Source: The Concise New Zealand Food Composition Tables, 12th Edition, Plant & Food Research 2018

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